Let me formally introduce you, C, as I think this is the best time to refresh and reflect everything.

Its already officially more than a  year since we start together.

I do understand that love with an attachment will bring conflict, pain, and suffering, although I just felt it several days ago. We quarreled once every day, for straight 4 days, like any action I did were wrong.

First, in Taman Anggrek Mall, Second, when I was late picking her up and Last, is a smaller quarrel at the room.

I felt angry at that time, and it was the part that worsening our quarrel.

Why? Its because I was fighting back as well, keep thinking that I was on the right side. Why I act so defensive? Its because I experienced a similar experience at home when mom keeps quarreling about anything that becomes too much.

The lesson learned is that my tolerance is decreasing and I have to learn to increase it again. One way to do that is by increasing more mindfulness practice, managed expectations when receiving anger and try to become empty bottle.