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December 2019

Her – Mine

Let me formally introduce you, C, as I think this is the best time to refresh and reflect everything.

Its already officially more than a  year since we start together.

I do understand that love with an attachment will bring conflict, pain, and suffering, although I just felt it several days ago. We quarreled once every day, for straight 4 days, like any action I did were wrong.

First, in Taman Anggrek Mall, Second, when I was late picking her up and Last, is a smaller quarrel at the room.

I felt angry at that time, and it was the part that worsening our quarrel.

Why? Its because I was fighting back as well, keep thinking that I was on the right side. Why I act so defensive? Its because I experienced a similar experience at home when mom keeps quarreling about anything that becomes too much.

The lesson learned is that my tolerance is decreasing and I have to learn to increase it again. One way to do that is by increasing more mindfulness practice, managed expectations when receiving anger and try to become empty bottle.







I nailed It – 4 Times

This is another story about tough journey on PTE, as a memo of reminding myself about the difficulties within it

The Irony of Work

As a former technology consultant in Accenture, I surely always be exposed to the latest technology trend in the industry. In fact, Accenture is one of the companies that drive towards those exciting trends: Named AI, Predictive Analytics, Automation, Blockchain, etc.

Only Accenture, in Indonesia, can sell the new technology first like RPA and Predictive Analytics to traditional Giant Company

However, the irony is that I never really delves into that trend when working in the company. I felt that I keep left behind within the hype of the new technology.

One of the reason is that the working hour which takes entire weekdays. On the weekend, you have either no more energy or other-self project to achieve

One of the positive sides is that you have an opportunity to work on a real project and real engagement. I used to work for RPA technology which was relatively new during the time. However, if you did not get the right role, you will end up learning a wide variety of things without deep knowledge and understanding, seriously.

The Way To Reward Myself

I was wondering, what is the best way to reward myself.

The answer is it depends.

However, after staying for 22 months in Accenture, I tried to redo what I used to do in the past again…

Acquiring new information about everything and

Write this blog post.

Let me elaborate those points in more details.

Acquiring new information about everything

It means that I could re-learn any new information related to other work stuff  such as mindfulness training and trend, economics, mandarin languages, and latest technology trend from various book

Write this blog post.

I can do reflection again and do as much as reflective writing like I used to be 2 years ago

In this way, I hope that I can take the first step to reward my self

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