I always skip the post every October. It was a genuine coincidence. My schedule was crazily tightened last October because all of the assignment, group project and presentation were due. More importantly, I skipped the first 6 weeks for my certification preparation.

A lot of things were happened.  The most important thing is I discovered my interest after 1 year of struggle during my master. I made a quite good saving and visited a lot of beautiful places. I am back to the Sunday school teacher again and have been there for one year. I met my goal with the certification and personal portfolio website. But I still struggle to thing about next job that I am going to get. Another good thing was I successfully created my own time management sheet and forecasting the time to balance between certification study and assignment exams.

Bad or good who knows

I have to constantly reminded myself that every sequences of events in this world is just a matter of time. Though you still have to make a plan. The photo below show the collection of university in Australia that I have been visited.


Two years ago, my parents will constantly remind me to focus on the work, get a good career, good money then you can travel wherever you want around the world. I disagree with them because visiting other country, other places for holiday might be good but you will never truly understand what is the real culture in that place, the people, living style, point of view and way to life. Of course, It was not my parents fault to have this kind of thinking since it is a general way of people think. Anyway, I have to start to prepare the new things, learned new things and prepare a new journey again. Photos below is the goodbye for my travel buddy. I will definitely visit him at hongkong in the future.



This food cost 100 bucks !
RE Camera