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August 2017

The changing phase

Between 25th and 28th august will be a huge step of the new beginning. First, i passed Certified Associate of Project Mangement exam. Finally, i got something to add in my business card, in addition to my degree.

Second, i just called my tutee, that I cant tutor her anymore. I even cant imagine that its been 7 months. Again times flies fast, including nearly the end of my degree as well.

And, give a goodbye call under the clear sun, will give me long memory in the future

Childhood song #1

Anything related to childhood always brings memories. When I was a kid, my parents got me the first VCD song in Chinese. I even neither understand the meaning nor know the name of the artist (Hopefully I will understand it soon). In the next post, there will be the Indonesian version as well. In addition, I know “do do ro”, one of the Ghibli studio creation from her too



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