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July 2017

Semester 3 : Fight for the last

Finally, semester 2 result is announced. The result was lower compared to the first one. Initially, I had an intention to think about making a complaint to reassess my final exam mark. But, after I found the process was quite complicated — you have to pay $60, make an appointment with lecture in charge, and discuss the reason for appeal — I just give up to the process.

About the winter break —–

Things are moving quickly, like a tornado crashing the city of Manhattan. I still struggle to finish all my certification – CAPM and SAS – while realized that there are a lot of mission of last semester that I haven’t fulfilled. For example, fixing some parts of this blog and fixing my personal portfolio website.

I won the competition in consulting competition – more precisely my team –. All of my team members are significantly younger than me, maybe 6-8 years differences. Surprisingly, I do not feel too excited about this competition as a lot of priorities lay behind my schedule. At least, I had one more stuff to put on the linkedin.

Semester 3 is going to start in few days. Literally, It should be the busiest semester becaue I had to plan everything. Job. Also, I will miss this city right after I go back.



Hopefully, everything will get better

Code Teaching – Thats Fun

I just finished 3 days camp that gave coding lesson to the kids. Actually, I didn’t expect this job because it has been a couple of months since i got the offer. I got text message two days before the class started and the location was 2 hours public transport from my home. On the first day, the class started at 7:30,  which mean i have to wake up at least 2,5 hour earlier.





I really had a lot of fun and felt like not working at all. It was realpy different when I did a day job as kitchen hand.

The class was divided into 3 main session, 1,5 hour each, and 30-45 minutes break time in between.

All I need to do was watch over the kids, fixing the technical issue from students laptop and play ! Make relationship and have a fun with the kids.

At this point, i even want to do it voluntarily a day or two. But, the best part is, i still get paid. Although is not that high amount of money, i am glad to have a chance to do this activity.


And, this my first encounter with a reall aussie-british accent. My boss spoke very fast and i have to watch over carefully to understand the whole meaning.


Unfortunately, due to the company rule, I was not allowed to take any photos of the kids, so I just took a photos of the school. It was really nice school, knowing that is a public government school.


Oh yeah, last thing. Probably I want to do similar thing with these kids when I go back, maybe free classes before started to make profit from it


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