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April 2017

Old Movie Again

I wrote this after listening two most memorable song in my childhood

First is Ultraman Cosmos closing song. Although this is not my first series of ultraman (compared to Ultraman Taro and Ultraman 80), this first ending bring back a lot of memory for me


Second, Popolocrois.

First time, I heard it through my friend laptop. The song seems very familiar in my mind, but i can’t remember neither the title nor the storyline. Even, after i knew the title was popolocrois, i still have no idea what the storyline looks like. Sadly, all the character, picture, and music was very familiar for me, its like sit somewhere inside the jungle of memory in my brain.


Again, like any other j-pop music style, the meaning of those song is very deep. Friendship, pursuing dream, loyalty, and effort.

Pay It Forward

16 April 2017

I made it to the top of Mt Kosciouko, one of the highest mountain in Australia !

Cie Naik Gunung_35.jpg

But, this post is neither a story about how happy I am to reach this 22 km trip nor how amazing the journey to reach this mountain, but more than that. It is a story about how the kindness of people. Long story short, i lost my phone in the middle of nowhere in the mountain. I realized it was lost after arrived the top of the mountain and because the location is very isolated with a huge plain grass field, the probability of someone found it very small. So, i just let it go.

On the next day when i browsed to purchase new phone, a friends in my group message me on facebook, told me that a guy found my phone and planned to send it to my home.


I asked my friend, “how that guy can contact you ?”,  My friend replied “he just asked on the whatsapp group, luckily we made an obvious group name, Kozciousko”



I can’t imagine, a stranger that found a phone in the middle of nowhere, turn it on, asked contact number in the group through Whatsapp just for returning the phone to its owner.

It conclude my day today “Always do a good thing for everyone, during the rest of your life”

Update : 25 April 2017
Finally i got my phone back. It tooks longer than i expected. One week without phone was a though experience but it was a good practise to know that you are not really addicted to gadget.

Photo below showed total number of chat i missed. Fortunately, none of them are crucial or related directly to me.
Maybe in the future, i should really limit the involvement of this phone with my life

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