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Bad or Good, Who Knows


December 2016

Positive Food For Thought


I did my kitchen hand position only for one day. That job is not hard, just chopping steak, vegetables, fries, through garbage. But, it was something in my mind that feel it doesn’t right. I remembered that i want badly to earn money by working part time, because of the amount of money was fantastic. On the flip side, when i did my casual job, i felt that i need to do something more useful, such as learning, studying, or doing my lecture research. The point is, these activities doesn’t generate money at all and it such as waste if i didn’t utilise the right to work here.


Sydney, 14 December 2016, 00:14 am

I am here watching several youtube video about story of young girl that need to help her step mother every day because of the disease. Her mother can’t move at all, so she must bring her to uni accomodation while working to earn daily needs. That girl is the same age for me, while i am here, got full scholarship to study.

Well, i think i got little englightment, i need to be more gratefull, it still okay try to find a job, but the income obsession must be reduced.

Additionally, youtube is the great website and i started to think that giving our mind about positive content regularly is important, to constantly remind ourselves to be gratefull all the time.

Back in the past six month, i had completely ruin off everything and do not think even a single thing about volunteer and help other people. Started from this, i will try to gather back my good motivation again, try to find a chance to help other people, while keep learning to acquire new knowledge.

A kind of video below should be become our daily food for thought





Go Writing

Sydney, 11 December 2012, 23.30 PM

After encountering a lot of event, i just feeling down for a while. Initially, i didn’t really know why this is happened. Multiple causes might appear, but i just ignored it.

After writing this article, and list the 7 different accompalishment and failure, i realized that there are still quite a lot of good thing happened in my life. I just need to overcome greediness in my life and fix that bad thing slowlier

So, writing help me to realize the obviousness that already happened

It was about learning

Right after three 3 week project, I finished working with NSW Police Officer to develop marketing strategy. It was a great experience, visiting Police Academy, took a photo, attending graduation ceremony. But, the most important think i just realized from this activity was, bad or good who knows.



We would never know whether our condition is a gift or disaster. Reflecting back what i got this year

  1. I got scholarship for Master degree in the first attempt–> Good (In fact, amazing)
  2. I faced a lot of rejection for consulting club, i–> Bad
  3. I got accepted in global scope program team 1, which i think the best client –> Good
  4. I face countless rejection for internship application, and even no reply from job application / get ignored –> Bad
  5. I got a good mark (Distinction) for my firs semester score –> Good
  6. I feel desperate, failed, nothing after first day of my casual job as kitchen hand staff and quit –> bad
  7. I am going to start research assistant position –> good

Yes, i should be more grateful about everything i have now. Reducing greediness and developing more good deeds.

Back to the Police Officer Project, it was a learning opportunity to know how overseas Police officer work , iĀ feel proud to be part of this team.



With Glyn, a Kind and soft hearted inspector that i ever met


Police Academy Goulburn



Australian Police Officer, especially in NSW are super duper nicely, friendly and kind. Special thanks to Glyn, the inspector.

Anyway, i joined the program through NSW Global Scope Program, which was advertised in campus website.


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