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May 2016

Vesak, celebration, memories, and journey

It was 9 years ago, since i involved as a part of organizing committee in vihara. Starting from basic voluntary position like cleaning, organizing letter, blood donation PIC, until more serious position as secretary.


I remembered that the days before vesak never this calm, endlessly preparation event a month before, and in the final day, 4 hour sleep is common thing. It happened until next 8 years.

As i moved from my hometown, condition never same.
A friend of mine always asked why i am not taking a part as a full time committee in this new vihara again, just like i did previously.

Instead, i became rarely come to pray at sunday, mostly at once a month.

Well, i really never try to figuring out, until i started to writing it in this post. At least there are three reason why i choose to move away for a while from extraordinary volunteer at vihara

1. My personal dream for achieving scholarship, while a spent a lot of my weekend studying ielts, making essay, completing application form, browsing information about scholarship, etc

2. I feel like to give myself some break. Having served as a committee and organizer all the 8 years endlessly, i feel little exhausted. that short pause may become good recovery process.

3. Freedom.

Stay in same organization thorough years not really bad at all, at least i can reach chairman youth position.

But, as i move to bigger city, i realized that there are lots of Buddhist organization here. In addition, exploring more social organization outside spiritual one.


First mission has been accompalished now. In paralel, i was assigned into Menyapa Indonesia, social organization, so part of third mission has been accompalished to.

Also, 2 years break i think that was enough to explore around.

This year, 2016, at same day this post published, is vesak day.
I contemplate a lot about how being volunteer , its feel and experience.

A day before, i rejected the chance of being volunteer in order to accompany my cousin to get praying together.

Well, i feel very bad when declining the chance for the volunteering, knowing next year i am going to study overseas and thought about how much myself change has floating around my brain.

Thanks for today, i chat a lot with my cousin, introducing little concept about this unremarkable philosophy.

Volunteering can be anytime, but its worth as i share this gem of knowledge throughout the day.

Happy Vesak everyone !

May you all being happy

Diversity of Thinking


Participating in a business meeting can be challenging, especially if each team member are expected to share something in order solve a problem.

There are actually 6 different ways of people approach when doing problem solving.


Lets say this scenario :

In one meeting, every people asking to give opinion about a problem that need to be solved and you are given one question only

People can ask in six different possibility

  1. Outcome

People tend to asking the outcome for every single problem

2.  option

The question about how many option exist to solve this problem

3. process

What process need to be done in order solved this problem

4. evidence

are the problem really exist ? are these really a problem

5. risk

What are the risk of this problem


Who are the people needed to solve this problem



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