Too much story play around in my head. When i start contemplating, a lot of good thing has happened past year, My dream finally come true. More important things are as i get my scholarship, i also got my opportunity to join another volunteering activity ,menyapa indonesia.

This is year of change, unforgettable and should be turning point of my life. Get LPDP scholarship won’t so easy, but finaly i accompalished it.

Interview process is though, the post interview process surely tougher. PK (Persiapan Keberangkatan) as one week preparation before i start studying, meet another hundred people from various background, religion, race made me more enlightened as diversity and niche in my environment of life. I am happy to meet all of them.

At this PK, first time i experienced sleep 2 hour or less a day for one week continuosly. The most important point is i learned that work to give as best as you can, try not to always think what reward you can get. If you have capacity to give until the limit, give it.

Closing ceremony party is great. More that thousands people comes, which make me can refine mistakes that i did in 2011. As a head of publication, working with people that even hold much better quality make the party very success, and more important i feel stronger bond after this to my new family.



My journey is just started and i still have more story to go, hope everything goes well, but like old folks said ” Bad of Good Who Knows