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September 2015

Two Kinds of Love

Its releated to a post about chain of hatred

Love resulting sacrifice
Sacrifice result hatred
Hatred resulting suffer
Most of the people using this hatred to attain peace



That statement actually 100% true. Actually there are two kinds of love, love with attachment and love without attachment. The first type that will bring hatred and suffer.


Love with attachment including love between boyfirend and girlfriend, love your family, parents, brother, and sister. It’s called love with attachment because you are attached to all of these thing.Whenn all things you love betrayed you, you will be suffered.  When all things you love is gone, you will be suffered. Even if they say there’s true love between two couple, mother and children, as long as attachment exist, you always be suffered.

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Love without attachment means we love without any purpose. They are loving in natural way and most important, love is not limited to a certain person but its universal love to all being. We try to spread our love without any purpose whenever our parents, our friends, our sibling, our lover, animal, plant, earth, anything visible and not visible. This kinds of love won’t bring hatred or suffer because your love purely sent to all living being,  you really know that someday they will pass away. After realized this, you will happily face this world and spread our love thorough universe. ❤

Teach, Share, and Feel the World for them

Following my previous  blog post

Back in 2007, It was first time I teach in front of elementary school in Sunday school. I was a volunteer at that time. Since that time, I never miss a single class each week. Until a college time, my part time job was science teacher at local education center. So, finally my life was completed of teaching, Monday to Saturday as science teacher, and Sunday school teacher.


Maybe its hard to believe, but I fall in love with this teaching activity. Even I had had to teach 12 hours and still feel have an energy after it

In 2014, I got my first job as implementor and programmer. Being 8-5 typical office worker and spending most of the time sat in front of desk makes me feel loose something. More like to say my stress degree increased over time to time


Back in 2015, mid june/august I found this programme, “Kelas Inspirasi” (Inspiration Class). The idea is take a day of and visit low school to share about your job and profession. The aim is motivated those children, to build their vision and dream. After I submitted the application, the list for event organizer released, and I passed the selection.


Next, I was grouped with other 11 people from various age, background, degree, job, profession, and culture. We meet together, have a meeting, make preparation and ready for the final day.

At the execution day, as I expected, I have no difficulties to adapt with those children. Giving some guessing games, logical puzzles. They excited, I feel happy. It is more than a spirit of sharing, It is about to get true happiness inside

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