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August 2015

Pass !

I just finished my first Exam 461 :Querying in Microsoft SQL Server 2012.


Further information about this exam can be found here



About a year preparation, It is still a long way to go, 2 more exam to earn real certification MCSA and addition two more to earn certification MCSE.


Everything about tips and tricks and material can be found on the google. Just give some time to search and find everything needed. And if it is not enough, get some preparation training may be useful.


Anyway, I was thinking get certification is the only way to speed up career path. Not only that, it also another way to beautifully know more about the technology and how fascinating it works.


Dozens of certification available in various platform, oracle, mysql, jave developer (sun), cisco (networking) , visual studio, asp, php, virtual machine.


Anyway, not only in information technology field, every field should have its own certification career path, for example there are CFP (Certified Financial Planner) in Economics, Specialization in Buliding Large Building, Bridge, or DAM for Civil Engineer.. and so on


So, love your job and choose one of them and Explore the depth of your knowledge. Finally you will find truly fascinating truth in the universe

Inspiration Class : Dare To Share

Yeay I Pass and got announced that my name is listed as one of the inpirator. Althouh I just think every people should be passed, because you know it is volunteering.


I think a lot of people always think twice to make volunteering. I don’t know why. First time I know this programme from facebook, I feel super super excited. I imidiatelly wait for the opening date, apply, and voila. I got in. The main reason is because I missed teaching, I missed talking in front of student. I used to teach during college, from wide range, from elementary to high school, from any kinds of subject. Among them, I spent 3 years full time teaching ! Monday to Saturday, I taught science in local education center, Sunday I volunteering teach religion and creative class. Amazingly, though I feel tired sometimes, I never feel stressed while teaching. After a session or two, I feel regained my spirit again.


Now, sitting in the office, sometimes not talking at all, makes me missing something in my life. So teaching here will be great for me.


Again, parents think it just wasting activity because you need take off the day of works, it mean you lose money for nothing. Yes, money. That’s how a lot of people think nowadays work work and work , and spend it for nothing. Yes, everything need money, but we also need to keep balance in our life right?

And the end I also don’t know will get permission for this day, because my teammates unfortunately have a business trip at the same time

Better Story Line

Choose one in this story line, main character is villain, doing all bad thing over the story. Drunks, anger, robbery, most of the against their parents, make them ill, steal their money, abandoning wife/husband and children. Lets say in this 60 minutes show, the first 45 minutes show all these qualification of people. Finally, in the last 15 minutes, something like karma, punishment from god come. Maybe they getting accident, died horrifictly, or if some have better faith, get blind, being amputated, or turn into crazy people and spent rest of their life in the hospital. In some scenario, the villain may realized his fault, but it always too late and more often happen a second before his death.


Compared to this second story, a young girl with a very kind, full of love and compassion. Spend her daily activity, try to make every one surrounded her happy. One part show that she offering lunch to her classmates, who don’t bring lunch. Later, she discover her classmates condition was very poor. Discovering her classmates background, parents only lowly skilled labour, which is now being sick. So he automatically losing income, while must finding a way to take care his father disease.

This young girl, which come from rich family, wanted to help her classmates. Initially, he resisted the help, especially being caught while doing part time by selling newspaper on the street by the girl. But, the girl is really mean to help, so with help of her father, she convince the boy, bring his dad to the hospital and giving a job for her mother. Later, these two children found out playing together in the school field happily.

First story seems to be most likely to be seen. People love to see revenge, a bad villain with bad action and later suffered a lot. This kind of show was popular about 6-7 years ago in indonesian TV. Now it number is decreased, but it still exist.

The big question is, what is the real purpose of this film. The director may argue that to show if you do bad thing, you will get the bad. So always do the good. But, if the whole story only tell about the bad thing that the villain do, how people who watch it will get the message ? About 80% of the story line only give negative action to the viewer, and the last 20% of resolution also not very good, show revenge to those people.

How if the viewer only watcg 80% of the show, was they will absord only the negative side ?

Does people will always have second chance ? So why in the story people always died even after realized their mistake ?

In my opinion, this kind of show is not helping anyone at all. Its nothing, except a bunch of trash. The worst thing is, this kind of show Is still exist !

The second show would be better option, showing love, compassion, and caring each other during all of the show, with the happy ending show. It touch the humanity side that people always depend on each other. Maybe it looks to impossible to happen in this global world, where people become more egoistic. But, is it better to tell good than a bad, negative think? This sample is good story line in this era


Unfortunately, this kind of film hardly exist again. Maybe the directior afraid that long story will bored viewer, in the end no one will watch it. But, if the actor/actress can do really well in their show, they can produce the most touching story that attract a lot viewer and at the same time show more kindness to the world.

Best Kind Of Girl

A year ago,  if i being asked, what kind of girl do you like, its hard to say. Basically just general question such as long hair, nice, pretty, beatifull.

But now, i’ve been thinking that i would like girl who have one or two of these criteria

  1. Having intention to pursue higher education, or minimum love in the major of their study. Not such a kind of people said that they have been forgotten their study and college long time ago.
  2. Having volunteering spirit. Its important, she must willing to serve other, being compassionate in the real way
  3. A physcian or a doctor who have the hardship and struggling in giving health care to other

Does your kids belongs to you

Several years ago, one of my friend told mo that not getting married is his worst nightmare. He can’t even imagine live without partner of live during rest of live. He further said that, how people can afford to live without wife and children. Do they even think to have someone to inherit they live ?


“Inherit they live” or any other similar phrase that most of the people think about their kids. Parents mostly think that their kids are the continuation of their life. It’s like a concept your life passed to your children, along with money or other treasure.


In fact, I think it is on of the biggest misconception that human ever have. Your life is yours, so do your children. I have my own life, so do my parents. What is important is how my parents tech moral value and how we living in this world, hoping that we not make same mistake as our parents in the journey of life. That’s it.

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