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May 2015

These 2015, will become most prestigious day. This is the time where  i got my my cavity.

Its been long journey, I searching various hospital and dentist from jakarta to depok,

First time, thanks i got a chance to become my friends first patients.

She removed my right corner teeth and do aditional scaling.

Next following week, i do rontgen  my mouth, to check all my teeth condition

So this is summary of all my treatment (things still go on)

1st Check Up : 175 300 in Evasari Hospital

2nd Check Up : 800 000 for Scaling and Ortodonti Treatment

3rd Check Up : 450 000 for 2 tfilling

4th Check Up : 160 000 Radiology Rontgen

5th Checkup : 465 000 : ortodonti

6th Check Up : 92 000 medicine

7th Check Up : 450 000 temporary filling

8th Check Up : 300 000 permanent filling

9th  Check Up : 300 000 permanent filling

10th Check Up : 250 000 temporary filling

The largest Buddhist settlement in the world is in China

This original article can be seen from,12275,0,0,1,0#.VVR8d_DCaNU

By Becky Pemberton, The Daily Mail, 19 April 2015

Inside the village where 40,000 monks and nuns are segregated and televisions are banned… but iPhones are allowed

Larung Gar, China — Among the green rolling hills in the Larung Gar Valley in China, the last thing you would expect to see in the countryside are thousands of red wooden huts that have been built in a massive cluster.

<< Larung Gar Buddhist Academy is home to 40,000 monks and nuns, who travel to the settlement of Sertar to study Tibetan Buddhism

Despite its secluded location it is home to the Larung Gar Buddhist Academy, the world’s largest Buddhist settlement.

A vibrant splash of red, this colourful settlement has sprung up in the 1980s and is now a haven for over 40,000 monks and nuns.

The sprawling settlement, Sertar, sits on elevations of 12,500ft, and the religious devotees battle harsh climates to study at the remote dwelling.

The wooden huts are built so closely together, they look like a red sea spreading up the hilly terrain.

Conditions are basic, with residents having to share communal toilets, and each unheated hut ranging from one to three rooms in size.

An isolated religious haven, Sertar is located around 370 miles from Chengdu, and those wishing to visit have to travel by coach for a gruelling 20 hours.

TVs are prohibited at the picturesque retreat, with monks and nuns flocking to benefit from the studies, prayers and lectures ran at the academy.

Photographer Wanson Luk journeyed to the secluded location from Chengdu on a 20-hour bumpy coach ride.

The 34-year-old Buddhist said the Larung Area has two small guest houses, but as these were occupied, he had to stay near the entrance.

He stayed two days at the Buddhist centre, taking part in ceremonies.

Luk said that the settlement welcomes everyone, and they maintain their life in the hills from donations and by small businesses like the guest house or small grocery store.

‘I was most surprised about how people feel about death,’ Luk said.

‘I took part in the sky burial ceremony where there were hundreds or thousands of condors waiting quietly. There were 7 corpses on that day…one of them was a child.

‘During the ceremony a monk will pray then the “sky burial master” will start cutting the corpses. When he is done, the condors will all fly to the corpses

‘They believe the more the condors eat, the better it is and they will not eat bad people’s body.’

One encounter which struck a chord for Luk was the meeting of a nun who was on her ‘no speech day’.

When the photographer was asking how to get to the top of the hill for night shots she resorted to all forms of gestures to try to assist.

She ended up taking him around the whole monastery, showing him how to spin the prayer wheels and teaching him how to pray.

Although TVs are prohibited in the monastery, iPhones strangely are permitted, with her typing words to instruct him as they went.

Many of the Buddhists own second-hand iPhone 4s.

The incredible academy was established in 1980 in the uninhabited valley by Jigme Phuntsok, an influential lama of the Nyingma tradition.

Despite its remote situation, Larung Gar evolved from a handful of disciples to be the largest Buddhist settlement in the world.

It attracts a mix of students from ethnic Chinese students to pupils from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia, who attend separate classes taught in Mandarin, while larger classes are taught in Tibetan.

Sri Lanka Vesak Message: Buddhist Teachings Help Strengthen Moral Values

This original article can be seen from,12304,0,0,1,0#.VVR7w_DCaNU, May 6, 2015

Colombo, Sri Lanka — Protecting moral values along with the development of technology and the economy could be strengthened only through Buddhist philosophy, said President Maithripala Sirisena.

<< President Maithripala Sirisena offered a monetary grant to Ven Andaulpatha Buddhasara Thera who suffered injuries and was rendered differently abled during the Aranthalawa attack on Buddhist monks by LTT E terrorists. (Picture courtesy President’s Media Division)

The President also said that the government plans to implement a national and international programme to impart a comprehensive knowledge of Buddhism to the people, especially the younger generation, to mold their lives in accordance with the Buddhist principles and teachings. He added that this programme will be formulated under the guidance and instructions of the Chief Prelates of the three Chapters.

President Maithripala made this observation at the State Vesak Festival held at the historic Mahiyangana Rajamaha Viharaya.

The festival organized by the Buddhasasana Ministry and Buddhist Affairs Department under the theme of “Meth Sithin Guna Wadamu”. President Sirisena also pointed out the need to strengthen Daham School education in order to expand and improve the knowledge of youth on Buddhism.

The President said the government is duty bound to provide adequate facilities and privileges to improve the knowledge of Buddhist monks. He also added that the government’s special focus is concentrated on conserving and protecting Buddhist temples.

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